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Osez Jeûner

Osez Jeûner provides fasting and detox programs in Alsace. They chose us to revamp their online presence. We handled a complete makeover of their website, improving its design, user experience and functionality, while also enhancing content for greater impact. We also suggested the addition of relevant new features to make their activity more effective.

Website redesign
Planned maintenance
A case study made in
studio seja
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The challenges

With an outdated website and an unengaging homepage, Osez Jeûner needed a complete makeover to best capture the quality of their services and attract new customers. The company was expecting:

  • A more modern design for a fresh, welcoming aesthetic.
  • The makeover of the home page content to create a striking first impression.
  • The integration of an online payment system, as it was long-time needed.
  • Regular maintenance and updating to ensure optimal site performance.

What we did

Our intervention was global and proactive:

  • Complete graphic redesign, in optimizing of the use of charter colors, choosing new fonts and visuals that reflect the relaxing and revitalizing essence of the programs offered by Osez Jeûner.
  • Reorganization and optimization of home page content, highlighting the strengths and benefits of their programs.
  • Suggestion and implementation of a simple, secure online payment system, facilitating the booking process for customers.
  • Commitment to proactive maintenance and regular updates, ensuring the site's security, speed and reliability.

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