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Le Cocon Strasbourg

Since the launch of their inspiring concept, we've been working closely with Le Cocon to help them build their online identity. From designing their brand image to developing a complete, dynamic website under a tight deadline, we're proud to be part of this ongoing project.

Website creation
Auditing / Consulting
A case study made in
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The challenges

As a new and booming concept in the wellness and events business, Le Cocon Strasbourg needed support for its first steps on the digital scene.

For their brand, everything had to be done: visual identity, digital strategy, booking solutions and, of course, a professional and attractive website to attract leads!

The goals of this ongoing project included:

  • The design of a genuine visual identity to be adopted on all their platforms
  • A real need for strategic consulting in order to improve their marketing, technical and UX approach to communication.
  • The design and development of a fully featured, dynamic website to promote their events, team, services and much more.
  • The ability for prospects to easily sign up for events or pre-subscribe to their upcoming subscription plans.
  • A very tight schedule for launching the site to meet the needs of a specific event

What we did

After collaborating upstream with Le Cocon on their visual identity and providing them with our expertise and advice on how to get the most out of their online presence, we chose to design their site using our beloved Webflow technology.

We initially thought about lauching a landing page to meet their tight deadline, but finally speeded up the development process to offer them a fully featured, 100% dynamic website.

We worked on:

  • 100% custom design with upstream UI & UX approach, wireframes and mock-ups
  • Integration of these visuals in Webflow within a short timeframe
  • Integration of custom features to meet specific UX requirements, such as modals, external forms and a booking module
  • Dynamic content and data management for events, venues, guests and service
  • Genuine SEO optimization with the implementation of GA4

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