Website creation

Ever wanted a beautiful site that attracts new customers without having to invest a fortune in its design? We've found the perfect solution for you.

From 89€/month
Ready in 2 to 4 weeks
Unlimited changes
Over 70 happy clients
avis cinq étoiles
conception de site avec webflow
conception de sites web et mobile
logo cba groupelogo promocashvotre logologo affleloulogo cci alsacelogo ocilogo ati4 group
logo ati4 group
Your issue

Let's face it, finding the right service provider is not that easy.

It's too expansive!

A website is costly. But it doesn't have to be that costly.

It's taking too long!

6 months to release a simple site - have they gone mad?

I don't have time!

We know, you've got a business to run, after all.

I don't get it!

You know you need help but that's about it...


Whereas our plans are simple
and straightforward.

Because the price of a website often fluctuates based on what you throw into it, we've put together three plans that meet 80% of your needs. For everything else, we use options to your plan or create one just for you.

Starter 🌱

A landing page to set the stage for your online visibility.

A complete one-page site
Graphic design to match brand image
Ready in 2 to 4 weeks
excl. tax / month for 1 yr
then 39€ / month
Includes hosting, maintenance, domain name renting and unlimited site modifications on simple request!
Comprend l’hébergement, maintenance, nom de domaine et modifications illimitées du site sur simple demande !
excl. tax
I want mine

Plus ⭐

An intuitive website with everything you need to be successful.

Up to 10 full pages
Blog area with news and articles
Traffic tracking with Analytics
excl. tax / month for 1 yr
then 69€ / month
Frais de démarrage offerts jusqu'au 31/12 !
Includes hosting, maintenance, domain name renting and unlimited site modifications on simple request!
excl. tax
I want mine

Pro 🚀

A fully featured website to cover all your visibility needs.

Unlimited number of pages
Multilanguage with auto translation
SEO keywords
excl. tax / month for 1 yr
then 89€ / month
Frais de démarrage offerts jusqu'au 31/12 !
Includes hosting, maintenance, domain name renting and unlimited site modifications on simple request!
excl. tax
I want mine
Custom plan
If your project doesn't fit any of the above plans, or if you'd like to discuss it before making a decision, we'd be happy to arrange a call.
miniatures équipe
Book a call
Website design
Responsive design

We ensure that all our sites are supported by the latest browsers, devices and screen sizes.

Design adapted to your brand identity

We customize your site to match your identity: colors, fonts and graphic elements are integrated to accurately reflect your brand.

100% custom design with mock-ups

We build a 100% custom theme for you with graphic layout and mock-ups to meet all your design needs.

Support and site management

Includes hosting of your site directly on the Webflow platform for optimum security and performance.

SSL certificate

Includes SSL certificate integration to enable secure, encrypted connection to your site.

Maintenance and security

Includes updates and minor and major patches that may result from the day-to-day use of a website.

Domain name

Lease of a domain name of your choice, renewed each year under an active subscription, with the exception of premium domain names.

Professionnal e-mail addresses

Creation and configuration of professional e-mail addresses linked to your domain name.

Contact form

Integration of a simple contact form (name, e-mail, telephone, subject and message) for your site visitors. Messages are sent to the e-mail address of your choice.

Cookies and GDPR module

Integration and customization of a cookie module using Iubenda, and GDPR conformity of the site.

Content editor access and tutorial

Content editor access to the site, allowing you to edit, add or delete text content and media.

Multi-language site

Integration of a multilingual solution using your own translations or automatic translations.

Content and media
On-demand content management

We manage for you any changes to text, photos, single pages or any type of content planned in the site's design, on simple request. We ensure a fast response time to keep your site alive!

Media content optimization

Processing and optimization of all your images to improve loading speed and smooth navigation on your site.

Content writing assistance

Turning your unedited content into attractive, marketable content for the Internet.

Blog area with news and articles

Creation of a blog section on the site to easily write and publish articles or news items.

Monthly SEO blog posts

Monthly delivery of a fixed number of blog articles, targeted to your industry, to help keep your site dynamic. Only available with the Pro plan.

English / German / French content translation

Translation of your content into English, French or German.

Royalty-free photos integration

We integrate royalty-free photos subject to your approval to your site, to help you showcase your business.

SEO features
On-page SEO optimization

Includes implementation of SEO best practices as well as technical and on-page site optimization.

Traffic tracking with Google Analytics

Includes integration of your Google Analytics tag into the site. You are responsible for creating your own Analytics account.

SEO keywords analysis and integration

Recommendations for keywords relevant to your business and their integration into your content.


What we actually do differently.

We help you control your expenses

Our plans start from €89 per month, so you can get started without having to bankrupt your business.

We deliver your site quickly

We design, optimize and launch your website in 2 to 4 weeks, depending on its size and features. Gone are the projects that take months to complete.

We take care of everything

With our monthly plans, everything from hosting to content updates is included.

We make it attractive

We use Figma to create beautiful designs  designed to drive your visitors to contact you.

We make it visible on Google

A pretty site is no good if it's hidden! We make sure that all the lights are on for SEO.


A word from our
happy customers

5,0 on Google | 4,9 on Sortlist

"Travail de première qualité"

L'agence a amélioré notre site web en y ajoutant de nouvelles fonctionnalités. Plusieurs problèmes existants ont été corrigés.

Le travail effectué est de première qualité. En plus, les délais et les requis initiaux ont été respectés. Une fois le projet livré, ils sont demeurés disponibles pour répondre à nos questions.

miniature client
Nicolas Tremblay
Chargé de projet @lefestif

"Des délais ambitieux"

Nous avons demandé à Studio Seja de créer notre site internet. Après avoir proposé quelques maquettes, nous leur avons laissé carte blanche.

Nous avons apprécié le respect du délai qui est très ambitieux ! Ils ont livré comme convenu le jour J. Egalement le suivi sur la vie du site car c'est aussi eux qui pilotent notre stratégie SEO.

miniature client
Olivier Haesen
COO @ati4group

"Sérieux & professionnalisme"

Nous avons sollicité Studio Seja pour la création de notre site internet et stratégie digitale.

Nous avons plus qu'apprécié leur sens de l'écoute, leur professionnalisme et leur sérieux !

miniature client
Youssra Najib
Gérante @lecocon

"Equipe à l'écoute"

L'objectif du projet était de maintenir le site qu'ils nous ont construit. Et de nous aider continuellement.

Nous avons particulièrement apprécié qu'ils soient à l'écoute et en recherche de solutions.

miniature client
Sara Mertens
Co-founder @transactief

"Au-delà des attentes"

Leur capacité à comprendre nos besoins, à proposer des solutions adaptées et à respecter les délais a grandement contribué au succès de notre collaboration.

Leur attitude positive et leur volonté de toujours aller au-delà de nos attentes ont été des atouts précieux.

miniature client
Alexandre Geng
CEO @oxyzstudio

"Travail sérieux et pertinent"

J'ai fait appel à Studio Seja car je voulais refaire mon site et augmenter mon SEO.

J'ai aimé les interactions et les conseils pertinents de Studio Seja.

Du travail sérieux et rassurant, avec le sourire en plus, ce qui ne gâche rien !

miniature client
Antoine Louis
CEO @keepintouch

"Dignes de confiance"

J'avais besoin d'une équipe sur laquelle je peux compter en cas d'urgence sur un site. J'apprécie tout particulièrement leur réactivité, sympathie, écoute, rapidité d'éxécution et le fait qu'ils soient joignables rapidement.

Franchement, je n'ai rien à leur reprocher. Je leur souhaite un franc succès car ils le méritent sincèrement ! Ils sont dignes de confiance.

miniature client
Vanessa Polia
Gérante @madeinvaness

"Excellente réactivité"

L'agence a réalisé la création du site internet de mon cabinet, ainsi que le paramétrage de mon nom de domaine et de mes boîtes mails professionnelles.

Ils ont su répondre à ma problématique très rapidement. Merci à eux pour la réactivité.

miniature client
Sarah Diss
Gérante @cabinetinfirmier

"Top quality work"

The agency improved our website by adding new features. They also fixed several existing problems.

Their work was top-notch. Furthermore, the initial deadlines and requirements were met. After project delivery, they remained available to answer our questions.

miniature client
Nicolas Tremblay
Head of project @lefestif

"Ambitious deadlines”

We asked Studio Seja to create our website. After proposing a few mock-ups, we gave them complete creative freedom.

We appreciated their ability to meet our ambitious deadline! They delivered as agreed right on time. They also monitored the website throughout their SEO strategy.

miniature client
Olivier Haesen
CEO @ati4group

"Reliability & professionalism"

We called on Studio Seja to create our website and digital strategy.

We more than appreciated their ability to listen, their professionalism and their reliability!

miniature client
Youssra Najib
Co-founder @lecocon

"Ambitious deadlines”

We asked Studio Seja to create our website. After proposing a few mock-ups, we gave them complete creative freedom.

We appreciated their ability to meet our ambitious deadline! They delivered as agreed right on time. They also monitored the website throughout their SEO strategy.

miniature client
Olivier Haesen
CEO @ati4group

"Reliability & professionalism” 

We called on Studio Seja to create our website and digital strategy.

We more than appreciated their ability to listen, their professionalism and their reliability!

miniature client
Youssra Najib
Co-founder @lecocon

"A good listening team"

The goal of the project was to sustain the site they built for us. And to continually help us.

We particularly appreciated their ability to listen and find solutions.

miniature client
Sara Mertens
Co-founder @transactief

"Reliability & professionalism” 

We called on Studio Seja to create our website and digital strategy.

We more than appreciated their ability to listen, their professionalism and their reliability!

miniature client
Youssra Najib
Co-founder @lecocon

"A good listening team".

The goal of the project was to sustain the site they built for us. And to continually help us.

We particularly appreciated their ability to listen and find solutions.

miniature client
Sara Mertens
Co-founder @transactief

"Beyond expectations"

Their ability to understand our needs, suggest appropriate solutions and meet deadlines has greatly contributed to the success of our collaboration.

Their positive attitude and willingness to always go beyond our expectations were invaluable assets.

miniature client
Alexandre Geng
CEO @oxyzstudio

"A good listening team"

The goal of the project was to sustain the site they built for us. And to continually help us.

We particularly appreciated their ability to listen and find solutions

miniature client
Sara Mertens
Co-founder @transactief

"Beyond expectations"

Their ability to understand our needs, suggest appropriate solutions and meet deadlines has greatly contributed to the success of our collaboration.

Their positive attitude and willingness to always go beyond our expectations were invaluable assets.

miniature client
Alexandre Geng
CEO @oxyzstudio

"Serious and relevant work"

I called Studio Seja because I wanted to redesign my site and increase my SEO.

I liked Studio Seja's interactions and relevant advice.

Serious and reliable work, with an extra smile, which is great!

miniature client
Antoine Louis
CEO @keepintouch

"Beyond expectations"

Their ability to understand our needs, suggest appropriate solutions and meet deadlines has greatly contributed to the success of our collaboration.

Their positive attitude and willingness to always go beyond our expectations were invaluable assets

miniature client
Alexandre Geng
CEO @oxyzstudio

"Serious and relevant work"

I called Studio Seja because I wanted to redesign my site and increase my SEO.

I liked Studio Seja's interactions and relevant advice.

Serious and reliable work, with an extra smile, which is great!

miniature client
Antoine Louis
CEO @keepintouch


I needed a team I could rely on in case of an emergency on a site. I particularly enjoyed their responsiveness, friendliness, attentiveness, speed of execution and the fact that they can be reached quickly.

Frankly, I have nothing to complain about. I wish them great success, because they truly deserve it! They are trustworthy.

miniature client
Vanessa Polia
CEO @madeinvaness

"Serious and relevant work"

I called Studio Seja because I wanted to redesign my site and increase my SEO.

I liked Studio Seja's interactions and relevant advice.

Serious and reliable work, with an extra smile, which is great!

miniature client
Antoine Louis
CEO @keepintouch


I needed a team I could rely on in case of an emergency on a site. I particularly enjoyed their responsiveness, friendliness, attentiveness, speed of execution and the fact that they can be reached quickly.

Frankly, I have nothing to complain about. I wish them great success, because they truly deserve it! They are trustworthy.

miniature client
Vanessa Polia
CEO @madeinvaness

"Great ability to react"

The agency created my practice's website, along with setting up my domain name and professional mailboxes.

They were able to respond to my needs very quickly. Thank you for your responsiveness.

miniature client
Sarah Diss
CEO @cabinetinfirmieres


I needed a team I could rely on in case of an emergency on a site. I particularly enjoyed their responsiveness, friendliness, attentiveness, speed of execution and the fact that they can be reached quickly.

Frankly, I have nothing to complain about. I wish them great success, because they truly deserve it! They are trustworthy.

miniature client
Vanessa Polia
CEO @madeinvaness

"Great ability to react"

The agency created my practice's website, along with setting up my domain name and professional mailboxes.

They were able to respond to my needs very quickly. Thank you for your responsiveness.

miniature client
Sarah Diss
CEO @cabinetinfirmieres

"Top quality work"

The agency improved our website by adding new features. They also fixed several existing problems.

Their work was top-notch. Furthermore, the initial deadlines and requirements were met. After project delivery, they remained available to answer our questions.

miniature client
Nicolas Tremblay
Head of project @lefestif

"Great ability to react"

The agency created my practice's website, along with setting up my domain name and professional mailboxes.

They were able to respond to my needs very quickly. Thank you for your responsiveness.

miniature client
Sarah Diss
CEO @cabinetinfirmieres

"Top quality work"

The agency improved our website by adding new features. They also fixed several existing problems.

Their work was top-notch. Furthermore, the initial deadlines and requirements were met. After project delivery, they remained available to answer our questions.

miniature client
Nicolas Tremblay
Head of project @lefestif

"Ambitious deadlines”

We asked Studio Seja to create our website. After proposing a few mock-ups, we gave them complete creative freedom.

We appreciated their ability to meet our ambitious deadline! They delivered as agreed right on time. They also monitored the website throughout their SEO strategy.

miniature client
Olivier Haesen
CEO @ati4group

Don't worry,
it's going to be fine.


Meeting 🤝

We meet over coffee or videocall to understand your concept and set out a clear, simple roadmap.

démarrage du projet
miniature équipe
Quick meeting scheduling
to respect your time

Design ⚙️

We build your site from prototype to completion wile you keep track of progress at every key stage.

conception du projet
miniature équipe
Project start
right after signature

Launch 🚀

We've done it, your site is now online! You can now focus on growing your business 🎉

démarrage du projet
miniature équipe
In 2 to 4 weeks
your site is ready!

Unlimited edits 😍

Because your site needs to grow along with your business, we manage all changes on request!

démarrage du projet
miniature équipe
Unlimited edits
during the subscription period
top rated agency
professionnal partner
We work with the most powerful tools on the market
icone webflow
icone figma
icone notion
icone make
icone xano
icone openAI
Open Ai
icone wized
icone analytics
icone shopify
icone hubsport
miniature équipe
Book a call

They trust us and that makes us proud

Already more than +30 happy customers
avis cinq étoiles
IT & Services 💻
Pro Plan 🚀
The deadline was very ambitious. And they delivered as agreed on D-day!
miniature client
Olivier Haesen
CEO @ Ati4 Group
réalisation ati4 groupréalisation ati4 group
réalisation ati4 groupréalisation ati4 group
Building industry 🏗️
Pro Plan 🚀
Their willingness to always go the extra mile has been an invaluable asset.
miniature client
Alexandre Geng
CEO @ O'Xyz Studio
réalisation cba grouperéalisation cba groupe
réalisation cba grouperéalisation cba groupe
Wellness & Events🌱
Plus Plan 🚀
We really enjoyed their attentiveness, reliability and professionalism.
miniature client
Youssra Najib
CEO @ Le Cocon
réalisation le coconréalisation le cocon
réalisation le coconréalisation le cocon

Our full-service toolbox.

Site migration

You already have a site that you'd like to migrate to our solution? Let's get started!

migration vers webflow


We connect with your tools to automate your tasks and make your life easier.

intégrations d'apps vers webflow

User experience

We take your website's visitors exactly where you want them to be.

parcours ux sous webflow

AI at your service

We use efficient AI tools and modules to create smarter, more efficient websites.

wireframes pour webflow


We make your site compatible with all devices, browsers and screen sizes.

responsive sous webflow

Any question left?

Why charge monthly for my website?

With our monthly subscriptions, you can keep the cost of a website under control, while enjoying a quality site, delivered quickly and with every aspect handled by ourselves. It's important to remember that a complete website of the kind we create often represents a substantial budget, especially if it's custom-made!

However, our sites are also sold at one-off, non-subscription prices, for companies who prefer to make a single investment. The difference is that our free unlimited modifications service is only available through our monthly plans.

Can I fully edit my site afterwards?

Of course, we provide you with editor access so that you can make your own changes to the content of your site.

And for all our monthly plan clients, we take care of it for you on demand! All you have to do is send us your changes, new images or texts to be replaced, and we'll take care of them as quickly as possible.

We take care of all changes planned as part of the site's creation, for example, if you'd like additional service pages or to add new projects to your site. And for all major site upgrades, we work with you to find the solution best suited to your needs.

How long does my subscription last?

As long as you're satisfied with your site! Our subscriptions have a 1-year commitment, so we can guarantee our investment in your site. After that, your subscription is automatically renewed every month. If you're no longer satisfied with our service, or if you simply don't need your site anymore, you can unsubscribe quickly and without worry.

How long does it take your agency to create a site?

The time it takes our Webflow agency to develop a site depends on a few things: the number of pages, specific features and the amount of text and media content you need.

If you're quick to react to our needs, and if your site doesn't involve developing custom features, we can create a site in an average of 2 to 4 weeks.

I already own a website, how do we proceed?

Our years of experience with CMS and other platforms such as WordPress enable us to help you migrate your site to Webflow. Together, we'll look at the changes you'd like to make to your existing site, and we'll take care of the redesign from A to Z!

What do I need to provide the agency to create my site?

To create your site in the best possible conditions and as quickly as possible, you need to prepare a number of things, starting with the structure of your site. How many pages do you want, how will they be arranged, what services or products will you be highlighting?

Then we need all your content: text (titles, paragraphs, calls to action) and media (images, videos, etc.).

If you don't have all this, or if you need advice on how to create your content, no worries. We'll help you every step of the way, and if need be, we'll adapt your subscription to handle your content writing.

Mon site sera-t-il optimisé pour le référencement ?

Our sites are designed in accordance with current standards and best practices in SEO (natural referencing) to ensure that search engines consider your site to be of quality. Our Pro plan even includes keyword-based SEO work.

Why does your agency use Webflow to design its websites?

We work with Webflow because we consider it to be one of the best site design tools available. Not only is it an intuitive tool that considerably speeds up development times, but it's also a very high-quality site designer, more so in our opinion than many other platforms and CMS.

Sites created with Webflow, when carried out with true expertise such as ours, are secure, easy to maintain and optimized for SEO. It's also very easy to integrate high-quality graphic designs, such as mock-ups we've created ourselves via Figma, or premium pre-built themes from the Webflow catalog that then need to be adapted.

What types of site does your agency use Webflow for?

Webflow lends itself to various types of sites, such as:

showcase and professional sites, which allow you to present your business, services or teams, offering you optimal visibility;

landing pages, designed to maximize conversions around your marketing campaigns or specific products;

blogs, which allow you to regularly publish articles and engage your audience with quality content.

Will I have to pay extra for web hosting?

To make things easier for you, and to give you total control over the costs of your website, we've integrated the price of Webflow hosting into our subscriptions, so you don't have to worry about the technical setup of your site.

Puis-je transférer mon site hors de Webflow si je souhaite le récupérer ?

If you want to stop our service after the commitment period and recover your entire site, it is possible! We set the transfer fees according to the age, size of the site and functionalities, then we deliver all the elements of the site (code files, content, design) so that you can use them freely.

Attention, however, the functionalities specific to Webflow, such as dynamic content, will no longer be operational outside the platform.

How can your agency help me generate more leads?

A website isn't only a matter of presenting your business. It's a real storefront that becomes a powerful lead generation tool when it's well designed and properly optimized!

We always think in terms of design and user experience to boost your conversion rate. We use effective calls to action to direct the user to the desired actions, such as asking for a quote, filling in a contact form or linking to a product purchase.

Do you take projects outside of France?

Of course! In France or any other French or English speaking country, we help companies increase their visibility with a quality website that we handle entirely. The advantage of our line of work is that we're perfectly capable of meeting you remotely. Some of our customers are even abroad.

Your next development agency