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Le Festif

Le Festif, a renowned festival in Quebec City, asked us to redesign a major part of their website: the Program page. They wished for a complete redesign of the page with of new colors and fonts. They also needed a complete makeover of the way the festival's program was displayed, to make navigation smoother and more intuitive. We also added a search bar on the FAQ page.

Website redesign
Planned maintenance
A case study made in
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The challenges

For its new edition, Le Festif had identified several needs:

  • A revamped user interface for the Program page, to make it more user-friendly and intuitive.
  • An update of the page's graphic design using new colors and fonts to give this new edition a fresh look.
  • A search bar to sort frequently asked questions on the FAQ page.

What we did

We were delighted to help Le Festif improve their website! Here's how we met their needs:

Following their guidelines and mockup, we integrated a new interface for the Program page, in which events are sorted not only by time slot, but also by stage,vertically, for better readability and easier navigation.

We also freshened up the look of the page with a new color palette and font, based on the mockup provided to us. We reworked and optimized the code for the programming part of the site, thereby improving its performance and responsiveness, for a better user experience.

We added a dynamic search bar above the frequently asked questions, to sort them by question and answer based on the user's input and finally, we conducted a post-launch follow-up to ensure our client's satisfaction and check the efficiency of our solutions.

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