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CBA Groupe

For CBA Groupe, we carried out a complete redesign of their website to spotlight their expertise in the field of construction and energy renovation. Our aim was to modernize their image and present their services, values, projects and job offers in a clear and attractive way.

Website redesign
A case study made in
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The challenges

CBA needed a more modern and functional website to reflect their positioning as a major player in the construction industry. They specifically wanted to promote their projects with more visual and impactful photo galleries, but also to introduce their values and job offers in a more meaningful fashion.

What we did

To meet CBA's needs, we worked on the complete redesign of their website using the Webflow solution.

We adapted the design to the graphic layout provided to us early on in the project, which had been designed to be reminiscent of building blocks. We then converted this visual approach into a smooth, intuitive website, with a simple yet striking visual style, to give CBA Groupe a clearer identity.

We developed the entire Portfolio section of the site, and integrated sliders and galleries to spotlight the company's client projects. We also designed a filtering system to make navigation easier. Special attention was also paid to job offers, as well as to the company's values and beliefs.

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